Lecture Notes

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Atomic and Molecular Structure (CCB 421/521), Spring, 2023

  1. Course syllabus.

  2. In Spring of 2022, the first three lectures of the semester were on-line, and so we have recordings available. The content of these introductory lectures is very similar to what I will present this semester. You may wish to view these, but it is certainly not required.
    Lecture 1: The Schrodinger equation. See also the slides in PDF format.

  3. Here is the second lecture from Spring, 2022:
    Lecture 2: Quantum operator algebra. See also the slides in PDF format.

  4. Homework #1: Problems 1-23, 2-25, 2-33, 2-34 and 3-11 in EQC. Due in class on Monday, Feb. 6.

  5. Here is the third lecture from Spring, 2022:
    Lecture 3: Some simple systems. See also the slides in PDF format.

  6. Homework #2. Assignment is here. Due in class on Monday, Feb. 13.

  7. Homework #3: Problems 3-30 (part "a" only), 4-22 and 4-27 in EQC. Due in class on Monday., Feb. 20.

  8. Homework #4. Assignment is here. Due in class on Monday, Feb. 27.

  9. Term project instructions are here.

  10. Homework #5: Problems A5-11, A5-12, A5-15. Due in class on Monday., Apr. 10.

  11. Homework #6. Assignment is here. Due in class on Monday, April 17.

    (Click "next" to see lecture notes from previous semesters)

Updated on October 3, 2024. Comments to david.case@rutgers.edu